Good morning, afternoon, and evening Fedizens! How has your Fediverse experience been?
- My Fediverse feeds are far more active than my FB or TW feeds.
- My Fediverse feeds have far fewer junk posts than my FB or TW feeds.
- My Fediverse network of mutual friends and followers is higher in number than my FB or TW equivalents (because I block proactively and often).
- My Fediverse experience is community oriented, is connection rich, has information value, and can be entertaining at times. I tend to spend more time in virtual worlds or offline for my entertainment ;)
How did I accomplish this phenomenon? Using hashtags, saved searches, filters, RSS, etc - I am my own algorithm.
One celebrity that moved into the Fediverse achieved a following of 111K of 7 million Mastodon users (1.5%) within a week or so. He has 3.4 million of 238 million on TW (1.4%). He, like many who migrated in the past month, are objectively reporting better engagement (organic) in the Fediverse than they have with FB or TW.
In my view, the Fediverse has the potential to become the preferred social media engine globally - open-source decentralized approaches are the future for all social interactions online including virtual worlds aka social Metaverse platforms.
What say you?
Ich denke, juristischen Beistand würden sie schnell finden.