@Friendica Support
Hi there.

As the new friendica stable version has come out recently and apparently there aren't mayor problems with the updates I wanted to ask you to consider some suggestions about the helpers/coders/admins etc pp setup we have on

In general terms speaking when ever someone comes up with some bug report or feature request some comment show up saying "go to github and ..".

There are several reasons I consider this is not to helpful and that we should find at least some work around. First of all we all know and are aware by whom github is owned and that there are more than one of us out here who don't like to go to that site for that very reason. At the same time it is where the coding community is, where cross over communication between the fedeVerse platforms can happen and where in any case recruitment and help request for none friendica specific issues can be found or can be published. So even as we have as a a very important back up plan and backup tool it most likely will not become part of our production scheme in the near future.

Than there is the friendica community itself, a whole lot of people that are using friendica and have access to the server with the few forum pages that do exist as of now. These are people that might not be skilled in coding itself but could do bug research, publish bug reports, have feature requests or ideas, could help out with standard helpers Q&A or even translation hints or pointing out missing translations.

I do guess that we might have more than one community member out there that is not available to sign up to another site like github or transifex (I guess that's still our translation site?) but would help out if we'd had some more forumpages like @bugresearch, @tutorial, @featureRequests. I could envision even people who love to dedicate some time to administer a forumpage like @tutorial that once some text has been created by the community in such a forum could republish such a text from that very forum page sorting that text into a given category of that forumpage.
Like to say, there is lot's of information that get's discussed or explained and than just "goes down the drain" and get's lost in the stream instead of being pushed into some category of the helpers page where it could be found easily by others.

A bugResearch forumpage for example could have a pinned post containing a bug research template like the following so people could post there findings in the first place and every once in a while someone who does have a github account and signs "responsible" to port those reports to github simple copy-pastes those reports to github with a link to the respective forum post.

Example bug research template for a @bugResearch froumPage on
Platform Info: 2023.05 - old stable | VIER | firefoxFriendica Version: 2023.05 - old stable
Theme: VIER
Browser: firefox
Friendica Source: gitHub
PHP version: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
SQL version: MySQL / MariaDB
memory_limit 256M
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk

I did/n't have a look at gitHub
Short bug description:Overall summary of the issue.
Replace the texts inside this and the following spoilers with your description.

Details of the buggy behavior:Try to explain in short sentences and with precise wording what happens.

¿Possible to reproduce, if so how:step one to reproduce the problem
step two
step three

Expected result:¿what should be the correct behavior?
¿what did you expect?

the better and dedicated the screenshot and the info involved the better
don't include unnecessary or compromising details in the screenshot

information for dev and server team:
php.error.logLEAVE THIS AS IS, the server team will use this report if possible/necessary

code of this example bug report
[spoiler=Platform Info: 2023.05 - old stable | VIER | firefox]Friendica Version: 2023.05 - old stable
Theme: VIER
Browser: firefox
Friendica Source: gitHub 
PHP version: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14
SQL version: MySQL / MariaDB
memory_limit	256M
4 Core CPU, 8 GB Ram with 300GB NVME Disk[/spoiler]
I [b]did/n't[/b] have a look at gitHub
[spoiler=Short bug description:]Overall summary of the issue.
Replace the texts inside this and the following spoilers with your description.
[spoiler=Details of the buggy behavior:]Try to explain in short sentences and with precise wording what happens.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=¿Possible to reproduce, if so how:]step one to reproduce the problem
step two
step three
[spoiler=Expected result:]¿what should be the correct behavior?
¿what did you expect?[/spoiler]
[img=]the better and dedicated the screenshot and the info involved the better[/img]
[img=]don't include unnecessary or compromising details in the screenshot[/img][/spoiler]
information for dev and server team:
[spoiler=php.error.log]LEAVE THIS AS IS, the server team will use this report if possible/necessary[/spoiler]
@Remind Me dm 2 days about the issue and the idea to ask and offer support for coming up with some dedicated moderation for one or another forum group(?) profile on the server to advance and improve the community support.
Sorry, I didn't get any DM.

Concerning the need for moderation on the groups node If I remember correctly, I took over the hosting and administration of our community node in 2016. In all these years there were only one or two cases where moderation was necessary. The administration is not a big deal, either.

From my point of view the best way to advance and improve community support is having people answering questions and giving hints how to use and run Friendica. We have made much progress in that. Some years ago there were only a few active supporters in our groups/forums. These days I see much more people who are helping others.
Nine years ago today, I created the admin account on :rocket: :sparkles: :party popper:

Fireworks, source: pixabay nck_gsl
Steffen K9 🐰
@Steffen K9 🐰
And I'm very thankful you did that!
@Steffen K9 🐰 to at least another 9 months 🎉🎉

glad I've found you :D
Läuft grad super bei #.

Nicht vergessen: Weiterhin empfohlene # von #, #, # und #.

# # # # # # # # # # #
Aber # ist doch soooo günstig...
Wenn wir Baukosten und Folgekosten in Luft auflösen... Risikoversicherungen... Brennstäbe... Und Endlagerung... blenden wir der Einfachheit komplett aus...
Ach... man muss nur genug Lack saufen um das schön zu rechnen 😬

Security update for the Linux kernel installed. Reboot required. Will do that in 20 minutes - around 13:10 CET / 12:10 UTC. ·
Steffen K9 🐰 hat dies geteilt

Inhaltswarnung: Did ***i*** cause to break by joining it yesterday?

@Ingo Jürgensmann Hi Ingo. Thanks so much, again, for getting back to me, AND for your kindly detailed info, which i appreciate. This is, btw, one reason i would be sad to leave; you are excellent wrt responding to me as one of your users.

Since my previous post to you, has remained available & responsive for me. Tbh, that's been the pattern each day; hours & hours of misery, punctuated by hours of goodness. From my end i've found it terribly confusing, as well as frustrating ofc. Reading your tech info above, though i shan't pretend to understand it all, i presume it is those database size & limits that are doing this to me.
plans to move to Postgresql instead of Mysql

Is this something that might be weeks away, or more likely months/years?
it's not that I'm unable to administer Friendica

I'd like to emphasise that in none of my recent posts to you had i intended to imply incompetence, so i do apologise if somehow i might have given that impression.
For me works most of the day time (CET), though

I'd actually been thinking about this over recent days. Logically i might have a better UX if i joined a Friendica instance closer to my own timezone, but unfortunately so far most that i've been able to discover, are in Europe. I did actually have several of those on my recent short-list, btw [,,,,] but i felt yours might be more suitable for me [shamefully i'm only mono-lingual English, whereas afaict each of those was either only German or Italian].

cc: @MsDropbear42 [venera]🐨♀🌈🐧​🦘
@MsDropbear42 [nerdica]🐨♀🌈🐧​🦘
Postgresql: I think it's more a matter of 1-2 years, not weeks or months. Maybe it's faster for new setups, but a migration has to be well tested, which takes time.

administrating Friendica: it was not my intention that you got the impression that I got the impression that ... well, you got the point, I think... ;) Just wanted to state that I'm doing this for a long time and never had the issues I do have since some months, although the node was once way larger.

Other instances: well, can't recommend The admin distributes conspiracy theories and is therefor banned on my instances. But YMMV, of course...

Timezone issues: well, during CET night there are running some background jobs, e.g. backups. There are some of them: mysqldump, filebased backup via rsync and VM based backup as well. I've now disabled VM based backup.

You can also have a look at - when you can name me a host to monitor in your vicinity we can have a look if it's a network issue or not. (Most likely not, but just to be sure....)
AI in Nextcloud is advancing!

From our Ethical AI approach to the industry's first local Nextcloud AI Assistant, Brent provides a comprehensive overview of the AI features integrated into Nextcloud Hub 7.

Take a tour of Nextcloud's AI features:

# # #
Who will be in charge of AI? The user? Nextcloud? Third party app/company?
"Daher kostet heute eine von dort in den Osten übertragene Kilowattstunde Solarstrom nur ein Drittel einer vor Ort in einem Kohlekraftwerk erzeugten Kilowattstunde."

# # # # # #
# # - die Faschos haben endgültig gewonnen.
geil. Gerade erst die Berichte über die ganzen Behauptungen der Faschos über gefakte Bilder gelesen und schon kontert der Postillon sauber 😄
Ich gestehe: Ich hab mich zweimal angestellt und einen Ausweis gefälscht, um die doppelte Kohle abzuziehen. 🤣👍
Leute - don't panic!

# war gestern - ab jetzt geht es wieder aufwärts. Alles wird gut...

# #
Gegen 17:00 im Hellen vom # nach Hause gekommen. Man merkt es schon deutlich.

Reboot scheduled at 1200 CET / 1100 UTC. -
Steffen K9 🐰 hat dies geteilt
Delivery delay is much better now. Almost at normal level. ;-)

Steffen K9 🐰
Wer von euch würde es übers Herz bringen, ihn zu essen ?
Steffen K9 🍮 hat dies geteilt
Oh nein - die Luft wird langsam dünn für #.

# #
The Hobbes OS/2 Archive Will Shut Down In April
Don't panic - die # für # bleibt gesichert!

4 CD-Set Hobbes OS/2 CD-ROM auf Fliesen
4 CD-Set Hobbes OS/2 CD-ROM auf Fliesen
Zwei der akzeptierten Worte kannte ich gar nicht und hege starke Zweifel, dass es sie überhaupt gibt. Alta!

Wordle 943 X/6 🔥0


Colloque en éducation - « Rencontre E.COL.E » de l'ULB.
Événement qui a pour objectif de faire interagir les acteurs et actrices de terrain autour de problématiques concrètes et d’actualités. Assistez à la deuxième édition le 11 avril 2024: "De la pénurie à la prévention : les défis des métiers de l'éducation"
Hmm. Deleting around 500 user accounts seems to be a heavy job for the # database.
Steffen K9 🐰

Reparieren statt Wegwerfen in Castrop-Rauxel

Das 13 Jahre alte # spackte rum. Eigentlich immer noch ein gutes Teil mit LAN-Anschluss für eigenes # und interner Disk. Hat alles, was ich will, ohne Rundum-Überwachung durch einen Konzern aka #. Viel zu schade für den Schrott.

In # gibt es noch einen klassischen Händler mit #. Zwar nur für wenige Marken, aber # lässt sich gut reparieren. Und hey, er hat ihn wieder hinbekommen und das Displayproblem für knappe 120€ gefixed. Schaun wir mal, wie lange es hält.

Was der gute Detlef da macht, ist gelebter # und #. Jedes reparierte Gerät vermeidet weiteren # und spart #. Wie gut, dass es so etwas noch gibt - davon brauchen wir viel mehr!

Über Uns
Paula Gentle on Friendica hat dies geteilt
One of my providers has a severe issue with their network. The DNS servers are not reachable. This causes 'page not found' errors for some subdomains of libranet .de because of failing DNS requests.
Affected services: mailserver at, xmpp server at, AP relay at
Steffen K9 🐰 hat dies geteilt
Looks like the issue is solved. The websites are back. DNS not tested yet.
DNS is also responding again.
:check mark button: Wassermelder Schabus SHT 227 montiert.

Der Warnton ist etwas mickrig, aber das Gerät macht einen soliden Eindruck.

# # # # # #

Blick in die Drainagegrube - Schwimmersensor mit Kabelbinder an grünem, schmierigen Schlauch montiert
Ich habe einen kontinuierlichen Job für den ersten Samstag im Monat aufgemacht. Heute Funktionalität beider Pumpen und des Alarms getestet.

Aktuell laufen ca. 20 Liter pro Minute aus der # in die Grube. So viel Lametta war noch nie!
Den etwas mickrigen Signalton (80 dB) auf 110 dB gepimpt. Das dürfte auch für den tiefsten Schlaf reichen.

hausinstallation im Keller: Weiß-rote Sirene in Wassermelder Schabus SHT 227 eingestöpselt
Hausinstallation im Keller: Weiß-rote Sirene in Wassermelder Schabus SHT 227 eingestöpselt

tagging of flagging a thread for future reading?

@Friendica Support

I was wondering if there is a way to tag/flag/mark a conversation so that we can keep it for later use, or archive it for "permanent" reading?

The flow of messages can be high, so t avoid losing a conversation, how can we "save" them?

Thanks for ideas
Thanks @Hypolite Petovan

2 quetsions to betterunderstand an duse your ideas:
1 - How do yo ustar it? I can not find any thing relating to a star, or the word star while reading th emposts.
2 - when you save it to a folder, where are these folders located, and how do I create them?

More menu ... under each post. There you find both. The saved folders are accessible in the left side panel.
Faire carnaval, faire politique ?
Par Caroline Close (CEVIPOL/Transfo) & Maïté Maskens (LAMC/Transfo)
Le mardi 6 février 2024 de 12h15 à 14h00, Institut de Sociologie, ULB.
Überlegt jetzt, wie und wo ihr euch antifaschistisch engagieren könnt. Das muss nicht auf der Straße sein, es gibt andere Möglichkeiten; bei NGOs, an Schulen, in Jugendarbeit, Vereinen, Lokalpolitik, im Umfeld & auch im Internet. Wir müssen uns in sichtbarem, gemeinsamem Widerstand fester verbünden.
Es war mir irgendwie wichtig, den fehlenden Job im alten Jahr wenigstens noch anzustossen. Damit war ich erfolgreich:

Dez 31 13:52:03 j4 restic[11274]: scan finished in 27.881s: 275870 files, 6.237 TiB

Das ist der dickste Brocken in meinem Zoo und ein Vollbackup dieses Systems mit # brauchte zuletzt ca. 6 Tage (aber nur 2x im Jahr). Bin sehr gespannt, wie lange # benötigt - wenn der Vergleich auch unzulässig ist, weil ungleich leistungsfähigere # beim Ziel.

Und natürlich, ob der Diskspace am Ende ausreicht. Vermutlich werde ich das erst am Donnerstag erfahren.
$ date; ssh minio@j21 df -h /backup/disk?
Mo 1. Jan 09:50:52 CET 2024
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sdb        7,3T    838G  6,5T   12% /backup/disk0
/dev/sdc        7,3T    838G  6,5T   12% /backup/disk1
/dev/sdd        7,3T    838G  6,5T   12% /backup/disk2
/dev/sde        7,3T    838G  6,5T   12% /backup/disk3
Zumindest komme ich mit den verfügbaren Kapazitäten ganz gut aus.
bash-5.2$ date; ssh minio@j21 df -h /backup/disk?
Do 11. Jan 21:04:24 CET 2024
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sdb        7,3T    3,5T  3,9T   47% /backup/disk0
/dev/sdc        7,3T    3,5T  3,9T   47% /backup/disk1
/dev/sdd        7,3T    3,5T  3,9T   47% /backup/disk2
/dev/sde        7,3T    3,5T  3,9T   47% /backup/disk3
@Maren Kroymann - einfach die Beste.

# #
Colloque "Jeunes & Police: Vers un dialogue concerté", 25 janvier 2024, Bruxelles.
The last several nights about this time I'm getting DNS errors when accessing It works fine during the day(USA) but in the evening it starts up again. I tried switching from Google DNS to OpenDNS with no change in performance, but I don't have errors when I use Tor browser. I suspect it's no problem with the , but I have no idea what it could be. @Libranet Support
At the moment the worker queues on and are pretty long. Delivery of posts/comments are therefore delayed.

I have deleted around 250 very old and dead accounts on both nodes. That clogs the queue with drop/delete jobs.

Sorry for the inconvenience. 😬
Steffen K9 🐰 hat dies geteilt
Auf einer öffentlichen Toilette. Ein Mann streckt seine Arme über einem Handgebläse aus, seine Hände reißen dadurch ab und fliegen weg. Ein Handwerker im Blaumann kommt in den Raum und sagt trocken: 2Ich soll hier irgendwas justieren."
Steffen K9 🐰 hat dies geteilt

Jahresvergleich 2023

Endlich ist sie fertig, die Jahresstatistik für # und #. Es wurden keine Kosten und Mühen gescheut und jedes Watt mehrfach verifiziert, aber es bleibt dabei: 2023 war Scheisse.

Zwar konnten wir erstmals bewusst 2x im Jahr einen 10-MWh-Zählersprung feiern, aber das war knapp und eher glückliches Timing. Am Ende lag der Ertrag von 10.184 kWh satte 1,5 MWh unter dem Vorjahr.
Was erlaube 2023!?!

Immerhin ist der # trotz Extraposten nur wenig gestiegen, vermutlich ein Tribut an den warmen #.


# # # # # # #
Wenn es in Zukunft öfter regnet, wird sich die Tendenz wohl fortsetzen. Wasserräder in Fallrohren wäre eine Idee. ;-)
Ich persönlich rechne für das # auf lange Sicht eher mit # und bin daher dankbar für den # im letzten Jahr, weil er die # wieder ordentlich aufgefüllt hat. Wenn ich das auch nie öffentlich sagen würde...
Marjan Temmerman: "Ook in 2024 zal de opvangcrisis doorgaan. Een schande in een land als België"
neuer älter